Organic ElderBerry supplements

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Botanical Name: Sambucus nigra

Common Names: Black-berried European Elder, Boor Tree, European Elder, German Elder

Elder Berries: Steep 1 teaspoon a day over 8-12 0z  of tea for 3-4 mins

Pills: Take 2-3 pills daily 

The berries and flowers of the Elderberry have been around for hundreds of years. They are packed with immune system boosting vitamins and are loaded with antioxidants. Helps with inflammation, stress and heart diseases. Best used in tea during the cold and flu season to prevent or shorten symptoms.

Warnings: Elderberries may stimulate the immune system, it could interfere with medications taken to suppress the immune system. These medications include corticosteroids (prednisone) and  medications used to treat autoimmune diseases. People with organ transplants should also avoid Elder berries

Legal Disclaimer: Our products are not affiliated with the FDA; therefore we make no claims to prevent, cure, treat any disease or illness. Please seek a doctor's advice if you are unsure of allergies or for use while pregnant.

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